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Electronic Industry: Growth Path of Electronic Security Manufacturers and Investment Opportunities Choice of Security Industry in the Year

Author: ComeFrom: Date:2019/5/23 15:25:27 Hits:1528
We believe that 2013 is the year of security. Considering the future wisdom of city policy will be further launched, in addition, security projects such as Guangdong and Chongqing will be landed, and now is the period of security industry layout. In addition to Haikang Dahua and other manufacturers with growth logic, small project-based manufacturers also deserve attention.
We estimate that the growth rate of the security industry in 2013 is about 22%-25%, better than that of last year's 16%. The main reasons are as follows:
The four major applications of government, industry, commerce and civil are all getting better. Especially for government projects, orders have been restored after the last two years'renewal. In addition, after the launch of smart cities, the project owner has changed from the Ministry of Public Security to the Development and Reform Commission, and the establishment of security projects has become easier.
Technological upgrading from analog to HD has reached its peak


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ChangzChangzhou Dragon State Electronic Co.,LTD
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